The employee may be prosecuted for any offense defined in this section if:
   (A)   The employee is acting as an agent of the licensee and performs conduct which itself constitutes an element of the offense in violation of any county ordinance, state statute or federal law while acting within the scope of employment or on behalf of the licensee; or
   (B)   The employee is acting as an agent of the licensee and allows conduct on the liquor establishment’s premises, which itself constitutes an element of the offense in violation of any country ordinance, state statute or federal law, while acting within the scope of employment or on behalf of the licensee; or
   (C)   If the employee is found in violation of any county ordinance, state statute or federal law while acing within the scope of employment on behalf of the licensee, then the employee shall be fined no less than $100 for each violation.
(1980 Code, § 110.117) (Res. 97-59, adopted 3-20-1997; Ord. 99-115, adopted 3-18-1999; Ord. 05-500, adopted 11-17-2005; Ord. 22-236, passed 8-18-2022)
Statutory reference:
   Exercise of corporate powers, see 55 ILCS 5/5-1004
   Local control of Liquor Control Act of 1934, see 235 ILCS 5/4-1 et seq.