The following conduct on premises licensed to sell alcoholic liquor is prohibited:
(A) Any person who performs any of the following acts in a public place commits public indecency:
(1) An act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct as defined in 720 ILCS 5/11-30;
(2) A lewd exposure of the body done with intent to arouse or to satisfy the sexual desire of the person or another; and
(3) PUBLIC PLACE for the purpose of this section means any place where the conduct may reasonably be expected to be viewed by others.
(B) The act or simulated caressing or fondling of genitals, buttocks or breast;
(C) The actual or simulated display or exposure of genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, anus or breast;
(D) The permitting of any person to remain in or upon the licensed premises who exposes to public view any portion of his or her genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, breasts or anus;
(E) The displaying of films, pictures or any other visual display depicting acts set forth in divisions (A) and (B) of this section; and
(F) Effective August 19, 2004, any lingerie show at a license liquor facility shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 119 of this code.
(1980 Code, § 110.090) (Res. 86-90, adopted 6-19-1986; Res. 94-50, adopted 5-19-1994; Res. 00-133, adopted 3-16-2000; Ord. 05-500, adopted 11-17-2005; Ord. 22-236, passed 8-18-2022) Penalty, see § 110.999
Statutory reference:
Exercise of corporate powers, see 55 ILCS 5/5-1004
Local control of Liquor Control Act of 1934, see 235 ILCS 5/4-1 et seq.
Public indecency, see 720 ILCS 5/11-30
Chicago v. Pooh Bah Industries, Inc., 224 Ill.2d 390 (2006)
No person shall engage in the solicitation of drinks from customers other than to take orders for drinks and to mix and deliver drinks as requested by the customers.
(1980 Code, § 110.091) (Res. 86-90, adopted 6-19-1986; Ord. 05-500, adopted 11-17-2005; Ord. 22-236, passed 8-18-2022) Penalty, see § 110.999
Statutory reference:
Exercise of corporate powers, see 55 ILCS 5/5-1004
Local control of Liquor Control Act of 1934, see 235 ILCS 5/4-1 et seq.
All alcoholic liquors must be consumed within the establishment. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on a public way, outside the establishment or in or around a parking lot connected to or controlled by the licensee. The licensee shall take action to stop the consumption of alcoholic beverages in those areas. A licensee holding a Class G (beer garden) license connected to the licensed establishment may allow patrons to drink in an open air enclosed area. A licensee holding a Class GC (golf course) license may allow patrons to consume alcoholic beverages on the golf course during daylight hours while the golf course is in use.
(1980 Code, § 110.092) (Res. 86-90, adopted 6-19-1986; Res. 03-296, adopted 6-19-2003; Ord. 05-500, adopted 11-17-2005; Ord. 22-236, passed 8-18-2022) Penalty, see § 110.999
Statutory reference:
Exercise of corporate powers, see 55 ILCS 5/5-1004
Local control of Liquor Control Act of 1934, see 235 ILCS 5/4-1 et seq.