(A)   Dangerous dogs.
      (1)   For the purposes of this section, DANGEROUS DOGS is as defined in § 90.01.
      (2)   The applicable sections of the Illinois Animal Control Act, including, but not limited to, 510 ILCS 5/15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 are hereby incorporated as currently written and as amended in the future as if set forth fully herein relative to the regulations of dangerous dogs within the County of Will.
      (3)   The owner of a dog found to be a dangerous dog by the Administrator may appeal that decision pursuant to the provisions of 510 ILCS 5/15.3.
   (B)   Vicious dogs.
      (1)   For purposes of this section, VICIOUS DOG is defined in § 90.01.
      (2)   The applicable sections of the Illinois Animal Control Act, including, but not limited to, 510 ILCS 5/15 and 26 are hereby incorporated as currently written and as amended in the future if set forth fully herein relative to the regulations of vicious dogs within the County of Will.
   (C)   Potentially dangerous dog. A dog found running at large and unsupervised with three or more other dogs may be deemed a potentially dangerous dog by the animal control officer or Administrator. Potentially dangerous dogs shall be spayed or neutered and microchipped within 14 days of reclaim. The designation of "potentially dangerous dog" shall expire 12 months after the most recent violation of this section. Failure to comply with this section will result in impoundment of the dog or a fine.
   (D)   Reckless dog owner.
      (1)   The Administrator, State's Attorney, Director, or any citizen may file a complaint in circuit court to determine whether a person is a reckless dog owner. If an owner is determined to be a reckless dog owner by clear and convincing evidence, the court shall order the immediate impoundment and forfeiture of all dogs the reckless dog owner has a property right in. Forfeiture may be to any licensed shelter, rescue, or sanctuary. The court shall further prohibit the property right ownership of a dog by the person determined to be a reckless dog owner for a period of at least 12 months, but not more than 36 months for the first reckless dog owner determination.
      (1-5)   A dog's history during ownership by a person found to be a reckless dog owner shall not be considered conclusive of the dog's temperament and qualification for adoption or transfer. The dog's temperament shall be independently evaluated by a person qualified to conduct behavioral assessments and, if the dog is deemed adoptable, the receiving facility shall make a reasonable attempt to place the dog in another home, transfer the dog to rescue, or place the dog in a sanctuary.
      (2)   A person who refuses to forfeit a dog under this section is in violation which carries a public safety fine of $500 for each dog. The fine shall be deposited into the Pet Population Control Fund. Each day a person fails to comply with a forfeiture or prohibition ordered under this section shall constitute a separate offense.
(1980 Code, § 90.06) (Res. 99-61, adopted 2-18-1999; Res. 06-122, adopted 3-16-2006; Ord. 24-19, passed 1-18-2024) Penalty, see § 90.99
Statutory reference:
   Vicious dog, see 510 ILCS 5/15
   Potentially dangerous dog, see 510 ILCS 5/15.4