Pursuant to the authority contained in Illinois Highway Code (ILCS Ch. 605, Act 5, § 9-113) of the Illinois Compiled Statues, as amended, the county, acting by and through the County Engineer, as the appropriate highway authority, established a Coordination Council under Resolution 01-470 for the purposes of implementing the provisions of said statute and facilitating the communication and coordination relating to the placement, removal, relocation, modification, or abandonment of public utilities owned and maintained by a public utility company within county highway rights-of-way.
(Ord. 20-231, passed 7-16-2020)
(A) This chapter shall apply to all access to and use of county highway right-of-way, whether permanent or temporary, for purposes of providing service from and/or to a county highway to any property after the enactment of this chapter by the County Board. This includes any land in any township or municipality located partially or entirely within the county.
(B) This chapter shall not be construed in any manner or form to limit or restrict the power or authority of the county or the County Engineer to maintain, operate, improve, construct, reconstruct, manage, widen, expand or perform any other work on any county highway as may be best determined, as provided by law, including the modification, restriction, or elimination of any access location permitted under this chapter or any access location permitted prior to the adoption of this chapter.
(Ord. 20-231, passed 7-16-2020)
(A) Pursuant to the authority contained in ILCS Ch. 765, Act 205, § 2, as referenced in § 56.021, the County Engineer shall have the authority to approve or disapprove, in writing, plats with respect to highway access to county highways.
The WCDOT's responsibility is access to and use of a county highway with respect to the future planning, maintenance and management of the county highway right-of-way. The responsibility for determining land-use requirements rests solely with the governmental authority having the land-use regulatory authority.
(B) The signature certificate which shall be included on the final plat of subdivision to obtain written approval for access to a county highway is provided in the Technical Reference Manual.
(Ord. 20-231, passed 7-16-2020)