   (A)   The Preservation Commission shall within 14 calendar days from receipt of a completed application for designation cause to be written an initial recommendation and report stating whether the nominated landmark or preservation district does or does not meet the criteria for designation as provided for in § 166.028.
   (B)   The report shall contain the following information:
      (1)   An explanation of the significance or lack of significance of the nominated landmark or preservation district as it relates to the criteria for designation;
      (2)   A description of the integrity or lack of integrity of the nominated landmark or preservation district;
      (3)   In the case of a nominated landmark found to meet the criteria for designation:
         (a)   A description of the significant exterior architectural features of the nominated landmark that should be protected;
         (b)   A description of the types of construction, alteration, demolition, and removal, other than those requiring a building or demolition permit, that should be reviewed for appropriateness pursuant to the provisions of § 166.051(C) and (D);
      (4)   In the case of a nominated preservation district found to meet the criteria for designation:
         (a)   A description of the types of significant exterior architectural features of the structures within the nominated preservation district that should be protected;
         (b)   Description of the types of alterations and demolitions that should be reviewed for appropriateness pursuant to the provisions of § 166.051(C) and (D);
      (5)   The relationship of the nominated landmark or preservation district to the ongoing effort of the Preservation Commission to identify and nominate all potential areas and structures that meet the criteria for designation;
      (6)   A map showing the location of the nominated landmark and the boundaries of the nominated preservation district. The recommendation and report shall be available to the public in the office of the Will County Land Use Department.
(Res. 92-192, passed 9-17-1992)
   (A)   The Preservation Commission shall within 30 days from completion of the initial report and recommendation as described above in § 166.029, cause to be scheduled a public hearing on the nomination. Notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the public hearing and a copy of the completed nomination form shall be sent by certified mail to the owner(s) of record and to the nominators, as well as by regular mail to property owners adjoining the nominated landmark or preservation district as least 15 days prior to the date of the hearing.
   (B)   Such notice shall also be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the area surrounding the nominated property or district at least 15 days prior to the date of the hearing. All notices shall state the street, address and Permanent Index Number or legal description of a nominated landmark and the boundaries of a nominated preservation district.
(Res. 92-192, passed 9-17-1992)
§ 166.031 HEARING.
   (A)   A public hearing shall be scheduled, and notification made thereof, pursuant to § 166.035, above. Oral or written testimony shall be taken at the public hearing from any person or organization concerning the nomination.
   (B)   The Preservation Commission may solicit expert testimony or present its own evidence regarding the historic, archaeological, or scenic significance of a proposed landmark or of any property within a proposed preservation district relative to compliance with criteria for consideration set forth above in § 166.028.
   (C)   The owner of any nominated landmark or of any property within a nominated preservation district shall be allowed reasonable opportunity to present evidence regarding historic, archaeological, architectural or scenic significance and shall be afforded the right of representation by counsel and reasonable opportunity to cross-examine expert witnesses. The hearing shall be closed upon completion of testimony.
(Res. 92-192, passed 9-17-1992)
   (A)   Within 60 days following close of the public hearing, the Commission shall make its determination upon the evidence whether the proposed landmark or preservation district does or does not meet the criteria for designation. A recommendation to the County Board regarding the proposed landmark or preservation district shall be passed by resolution of the Preservation Commission.
   (B)   This recommendation shall be accompanied by a report stating the findings of the Preservation Commission concerning the historic, archaeological, architectural or scenic significance of the proposed landmark or preservation district.
   (C)   The Preservation Commission shall forward copies of the resolution and report to the applicant and the owner of the subject property or representative for petitioners of the subject area.
(Res. 92-192, passed 9-17-1992)
§ 166.033 DESIGNATION.
   (A)   The County Board, upon a recommendation from the Preservation Commission that the proposed landmark or preservation district should be designated, shall review the report and recommendations of the Preservation Commission. The County Board after reviewing the report and recommendation shall within 60 days from receipt of the recommendation of the Preservation Commission take one of the following steps:
      (1)   Designate the landmark or preservation district by ordinance; or
      (2)   Refer the report and recommendation back to the Preservation Commission with suggestions for revisions stating its reason for such action.
   (B)   Upon return of the report and recommendation to the Commission, the Committee shall review the County Board action resubmission therein finding within 45 days of the County Board meeting. The County Board shall designate or not designate the landmark or preservation district at the next regularly scheduled County Board meeting. If the County Board fails to act on the Preservation Commission recommendation within 60 days the recommendation of the Preservation Commission shall be deemed approved.
(Res. 92-192, passed 9-17-1992)
   Resubmission of any application for landmark or preservation district designation may be made not sooner than 90 days of County Board action. Not more than one re-submission may be made within a 12-month period.
(Res. 92-192, passed 9-17-1992)