For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM SYSTEM. Any device, the purpose of which is to detect the occurrence of any emergency, and is designed to transmit an audible, visual, or other signal indicating the occurrence of the emergency.
   ALARM USER. The person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind in control of any building, structure, facility, or portion thereof wherein an alarm system is maintained.
   AUTOMATIC DIALING SYSTEM. Any alarm system which, upon being activated, automatically transmits by telephone line a recorded message or code signal indicating a need for emergency response.
   CONTACT PERSON. A person who is notified when an alarm is activated who may or may not be a key holder. The CONTACT PERSON should have knowledge of the owner's whereabouts, or be able to provide information needed during an emergency.
   DIRECT LINE ALARM SYSTEM. Any alarm device running directly from a specific location to the Sheriffs, Police, or Fire Departments, and connected by leased telephone lines.
   FALSE ALARM. The activation of an alarm system which elicits a response form the Sheriffs Department or any Fire Department response where the Sheriffs Department also responds, when the situation requiring such a response does not in fact exist.
      (1)   FALSE ALARM. Shall not include alarms activated by:
         (a)   Criminal activity or unauthorized entry;
         (b)   Earthquake;
         (c)   Hurricane or tornado winds causing structural damage to the protected premises;
         (d)   Flooding of the protected premises due to overflow of natural drainage;
         (e)   Lightning bolt causing physical damage to the protected premises;
         (f)   Fire causing damage to the protected premises verified by the Fire Department;
         (g)   Telephone line malfunction.
      (2)   If the alarm, when communicated to the Sheriffs Department before an officer is dispatched to investigate, is clearly identified to the department as resulting from authorized entry, authorized system test, or other noncriminal cause, it shall not be considered a false alarm.
      (3)   If Sheriff units responding to an alarm and checking the protected premises according to standard department operating procedures do not discover any evidence of unauthorized entry or criminal activity, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the alarm is false. Entries on the Sheriffs Department's complaint offense card shall be prime facie evidence of the facts stated there with regard to alarms and responses.
   KEY HOLDER. A person authorized by the alarm user to have access to the protected premises and alarm system by use of a key or combination to provide emergency entrance to the premises and to silence audible alarms.
   SUBSCRIBER. A person who contacts for or receives service or maintenance with respect to an alarm system from an alarm business.
(1980 Code, § 93.037) (Res. 86-51, passed 5-15-86; Am. Res. 99-210. passed 5-20-99; Ord. 11-287, passed 8-18-2011)