(A) The County Emergency Telephone System Board (hereinafter referred to as the ETS Board) is established pursuant to ILCS Ch. 50, Act 750, as amended by P.A. 85-978 and P.A. 86-101 and pursuant to Resolutions 89-193 and 89-214 of the County Board, adopted August 17, 1989, and Resolution 90-11 of the County Board adopted January 18, 1990.
(B) The County Executive is the appointing authority for the ETS Board with the advise and consent of the County Board, in accordance with ILCS Ch. 50, Act 750, as amended in P.A. 85-978 and 86-101 and as may be subsequently amended and pursuant to Resolutions 89-193 and 89-214 of the County Board adopted January 18, 1990.
(1980 Code, § 34.55) (Res. 96-135, passed 6-20-1996)
The powers and duties of the ETS Board shall be those powers and duties necessary and incidental to carry out the purpose and responsibilities of the ETS Board provided by ILCS Ch. 50, Act 750, as amended in P.A. 85-978 and P.A. 86-101 and as may be subsequently amended and pursuant to in Resolutions 89-193 and 89-214 of the County Board adopted January 18, 1990.
(1980 Code, § 34.56) (Res. 96-135, passed 6-20-1996)
The ETS Board shall be reorganized effective October 18, 2007 and shall have 16 members as set forth below.
(A) Public safety representation.
(1) Law enforcement. Two law enforcement representatives shall be appointed by the County Executive with the advice and consent of the County Board. The representatives will be selected from a list of three names submitted by the Police Chiefs Association of the county.
(2) Fire service. Two fire service representatives shall be appointed by the County Executive with the advice and consent of the County Board. The representative will be selected from a list of three names with one name being submitted from each of the three county MABAS Divisions (15, 18 and 27).
(3) Emergency management. The County Emergency Management Agency Director or his or her designee will serve on the ETSB with the approval and appointment of the County Executive and with the advice and consent of the County Board.
(B) PSAP representation.
(1) The county-wide PSAPs will have seven positions on the ETSB. All nine of the 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System PSAPs will have representation on the ETSB as follows. Each will be represented on the ETSB by the individual PSAP Director or his or her designee.
(a) Joliet;
(b) Wescom;
(c) Sheriff’s office;
(d) Lincolnway;
(e) Eastcom; and
(f) Romeoville.
(2) The remaining PSAPs will work together to select one PSAP director or his or her designee as their representative on the ETSB.
(3) In the event that any member PSAP dissolves or merges with another member PSAP, the size of the Board shall decrease by one number.
(4) The PSAP directors or their designee’s names will be submitted to the County Executive for approval and appointment with the advice and consent of the County Board.
(C) Elected officials representation. Two representatives from county government will serve on the ETSB as follows.
(1) One ETS Board member will represent the County Executive’s office as designated and appointed by the County Executive with the consent and approval of the County Board.
(2) One ETS Board member will represent the County Board as designated and appointed by the County Executive in consultation with the County Board Chairperson and the consent and approval of the County Board.
(D) Citizen-at-large representation. One representative from the citizens of the County Emergency Telephone System will be appointed by the County Executive from a list of applications submitted. The appointment will be approved with the advice and consent of the County Board.
(E) Technology representation.
(1) The ETSB shall form a committee of the Board designated as the Technology Committee. Members serving on this Committee shall include:
(a) Director of the county 800 MHZ radio department or his or her designee;
(b) Director of the county GIS Department or his or her designee;
(c) Director of the county ICT Department and his or her designee; and
(d) Other technology experts from agencies within the county who may be appointed to the ETSB.
(2) The Chairperson of the Technology Committee will serve as a representative on the ETSB. The Chair of the Technology Committee shall be submitted to the County Executive for appointment to the ETSB with the advice and consent of the County Board.
(1980 Code, § 34.57) (Res. 96-135, passed 6-20-1996; Res. 02-82, passed 2-21-2002; Res. 07-415, passed 10-8-2007)
(A) Vacancy. A vacancy on the ETS Board may be occasioned by the resignation, death, physical or mental incapacity of three consecutive unexcused absences from scheduled meetings by the member. The units of local government represented by the members shall have the power to determine the existence of a vacancy consistent with the above conditions. They shall within 60 days recommend a replacement to the county executive for appointment to the unexpired term.
(B) Voting.
(1) A quorum shall be a majority of the membership of the ETS Board.
(2) Each member of the ETS Board shall have one vote.
(3) Proxy votes will not be allowed.
(C) Terms of office. The reorganized Board shall be appointed to three-year staggered terms. To begin the terms a lottery will be held for five members to serve one-year terms, five members to serve two-year terms and six members to serve three-year terms. Members appointed after the first three staggered terms will then serve a three-year appointment.
(1980 Code, § 34.58) (Res. 96-135, passed 6-20-1996; Res. 07-415, passed 10-18-2007)
(A) The principal location shall be the County 9-1-1 Administrative Offices, 830 South State Street, Lockport, Illinois 60441.
(B) Meetings will be held bi-monthly on the second Thursday of every even numbered month at 8:30 a.m. Special meetings may also be called by the Chairperson or by one-third of the membership of the ETS Board. Bi-monthly date and time may be changed by the majority of the ETS Board present.
(C) Meetings of the ETS Board shall be subject to the provisions of the State Open Meetings Act.
(D) Except as otherwise required by these bylaws, laws of the state or ordinances of the county, meetings shall be conducted by the latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
(E) Proceedings of the meetings shall be recorded and copies distributed to each member of the ETS Board.
(1980 Code, § 34.59) (Res. 96-135, passed 6-20-1996)