(A)   The water rates of the town, for water furnished to consumers, shall be as provided by ordinance or resolution of the Board of Commissioners from time to time, and a copy of each ordinance or resolution shall be placed on file in the office of the Town Clerk; and the water rates in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this code shall continue in effect until altered by ordinance or resolution pursuant to this section.
   (B)   Water rates shall be applied to each individual meter, and where more than 1 building is served from 1 meter, the minimum charge will apply to each building; provided that any separate dwelling or place of business constructed after July 1, 1952, shall be connected to the water system of the town through a separate meter.
(Prior Code, § 16-13)
   (C)   The minimum charge shall apply to each tenant of a single building or apartment, whether the same is fed from a central meter or an individual meter. The meter shall be installed at the owner’s expense, should the owner or owners desire to have each apartment metered; however, if no meter is installed by the owner, the owner shall be responsible for the water bill for each apartment fed into the building. The same shall be charged to the owner of the building, the same as if each apartment is metered.
(Am. Ord. passed 7-1-1987)