The following shall be the order of business at all meetings of the city council:
   (A)   Meeting called to order by the mayor.
   (B)   The Clerk/Treasurer shall call the roll.
   (C)   Reading of the minutes of previous meeting.
   (D)   Report of the Clerk/Treasurer.
   (E)   Report of the police chief.
   (F)   Report of the committees.
   (G)   Claims, petitions, and communications considered.
   (H)   Unfinished business.
   (I)   New business.
   (J)   Nomination and election of officers.
   (K)   Approving of bonds and qualifying of newly elected officers.
   (L)   Matters for the good of the city.
   (M)   Adjournment. (Ord. 8, passed 12-7-37)