The submission requirements for a final PD plan shall contain the following material.
   (A)   An application for approval of a final PD plan must be filed by a person having an interest in the property to be included in the planned development and must include a consent by the owners of all property to be included in the planned development.
   (B)   (1)   A complete site plan showing the major details of the proposed planned development prepared at a scale of not less than one inch equals l00 feet shall be submitted in sufficient detail to evaluate the land planning, building design and other features of the final planned development, if applicable.
      (2)   The site plan and supporting documents shall also indicate:
         (a)   A listing of all permitted uses within the PD and/or each separate planning area;
         (b)   The location of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements, separated into planning areas, if applicable;
         (c)   The maximum height of all buildings;
         (d)   The density and type of dwellings. Gross square footage and ground coverage of all nonresidential structures (floor area ratio);
         (e)   The internal traffic and circulation systems, off-street parking areas, service areas, loading areas and major points of access to public rights-of-way;
         (f)   The location, height and size of proposed signs, lighting and advertising devices;
         (g)   The areas which are to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved as general open space, common park areas, including public parks and recreational areas, and as sites for schools or other public buildings;
         (h)   The proportion of land to be left in a natural condition as major open space, stated in terms of acreage or square footage, as well as the ratio of open space in areas to be developed stated on a square feet per unit basis;
         (I)   An explanation of the objectives to be achieved by the planned development, including building descriptions, sketches or elevations as may be required to describe the objectives;
         (j)   A refined development phasing schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the planned development or stages of the planned development can be expected to begin and be completed;
         (k)   A description of snow removal methods or techniques to be utilized, as appropriate;
         (l)   A description of the proposed method of providing ongoing (permanent) maintenance of all commonly owned or publicly dedicated buildings, facilities, areas and thoroughfares;
         (m)   1.   Copies of any special agreements, conveyances, restrictions or covenants, which will govern the use, maintenance and continued protection of the planned development and any of its common areas.
            2.   Such documents shall be in conformance with the requirements of C.R.S. §§ 24-67-101 et seq., as amended and commonly referred to as the Planned Unit Development Act of 1972; and
         (n)   Divisions (B)(2)(a), (B)(2)(c), (B)(2)(d) and (B)(2)(h) should be combined into a chart/table.
(Ord. 2-98, passed 4-22-1998)