(A)   The applicant shall submit ten large format hard copies and an electronic version of graphic documents similar in format for PD plans with specific approval signature blocks for ownership of the PD amendment area, Planning and Zoning Commission approval, Board of Trustees approval and Clerk and Recorders certificate, plus the legal description of the amendment area and the dates when the original preliminary PD plans or ODPs were recorded and the particular file, map and recording page numbers. The word “amendment” shall appear under the PD title at the top of the page. The staff will indicate the level of detail necessary for the graphic and narrative submissions.
   (B)   The proposed amendment(s) shall be clearly indicated on a site plan and a written narrative explaining in detail the changes from the original preliminary or ODP approval must accompany the site plan.
   (C)   (1)   A list of property owners both within and external to the PD amendment area and up to 300 feet from the boundary of the PD amendment area. The town will notice these owners within 15 days of the hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Trustees by mail, return receipt requested.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Administrator will determine which properties within the entire or original planned unit development would be affected by the proposed change, and all owners of such property shall also receive notice.
   (D)   A land use chart showing all originally approved residential densities, numbers of units, nonresidential densities or floor area ratios (FARs) and nonresidential square footage compared to the new densities, unit numbers, FARs and square footage.
   (E)   Development plan sheet showing:
      (1)   Use list for all planning areas and maximum heights of uses;
      (2)   Major circulation system;
      (3)   Planning area acreage and densities;
      (4)   Open space areas/trails/parks/recreation facilities;
      (5)   Utility facilities (water, sewer, drainage and the like on a generalized engineering level);
      (6)   Public facilities and proposed dedication areas;
      (7)   Initial development phasing timetable;
      (8)   Legal descriptions of amendment area tied to original boundary survey; and
      (9)   Title insurance commitment or policy dated a maximum of 15 days prior to the date of application.
(Ord. 2-98, passed 4-22-1998; Ord. 14-2017, passed 10-11-2017; Ord. 09-2021, passed 10-27-2021)