(A)   Purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of the preliminary plan is to allow a full review of all technical aspects of the subdivision.
      (2)   Submission requirements for preliminary plans are found in § 153.178.
   (B)   Review procedure.
      (1)   Zoning Administrator and staff review.
         (a)   All applications shall be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Zoning Administrator. Copies of proposed plans may be sent to other agencies and utility companies for comment. Within 15 days following the filing deadline, the Zoning Administrator and staff shall meet to review the application and compile written comments and recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
         (b)   If the comments and recommendations reveal that the application has deficiencies which require significant additional work or further discussion between the Zoning Administrator and the applicant, the Administrator may defer sending the matter to the Planning and Zoning Commission until the outstanding issues have been addressed adequately by the applicant.
      (2)   Planning and Zoning Commission. At the next regular meeting following the filing date for applications, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the sketch plan and the comments and recommendations of the Zoning Administrator pertaining to the application. The Planning and Zoning Commission, using criteria established elsewhere in this regulation, the comprehensive plan and the town ordinances, shall approve the application, grant approval with modifications or deny the application.
      (3)   Appeal to Town Board of Trustees. Decisions of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Board. A written appeal of any action by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be filed within 14 calendar days following the Planning and Zoning Commission decision.
      (4)   Town Board action.
         (a)   Appeals to the Town Board.
            1.   Decisions of the Planning and Zoning Commission appealed to the Town Board shall be heard after giving ten-day written notice to the applicant at a regularly scheduled meeting.
            2.   The Town Board shall, using criteria established elsewhere in this regulation, the comprehensive plan and the town ordinances, approve the application, grant approval with modifications or deny the application.
         (b)   Town Board review.
            1.   The Town Board may call up for review any preliminary plan acted upon by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
            2.   Notice of such review must be requested in writing from three or more Board members, or a majority decision of the Board members at a regularly scheduled Board meeting within 14 days following the Planning Commission decision.
      (5)   Acceptance. Approval of the preliminary plan does not bind the Planning Commission or Town Board to accept the final plat.
(Ord. 2-98, passed 4-22-1998; Ord. 14-2017, passed 10-11-2017; Ord. 09-2021, passed 10-27-2021)