(A)   Department established. There shall be and is hereby established the Town Police Department which shall be comprised of a Chief of Police and such number of police officers as may from time to time be deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees for the safety and good order of the town.
   (B)   Departmental regulations. The Police Department shall be administered and operated in accordance with the ordinances of the town and such departmental rules and regulations, including, without limitation, those set forth in the Police Department Policy and Procedures Manual, as may from time to time be adopted by the Chief of Police after being approved by the Town Manager.
   (C)   Police officers - appointment and oath.
      (1)   Every person appointed to serve as a police officer shall be a bona fide resident of the state and certified as a peace officer in accordance with state law at the time of his or her appointment.
      (2)   Every person appointed to the position of police officer shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation that he or she will support the U.S. Constitution and laws of the United States and the state and that he or she will faithfully and impartially enforce the ordinances of the town and discharge the duties of his or her office.
   (D)   Police officers - duties.
      (1)   Police officers shall have and exercise all the authority and powers within the town conferred on such position pursuant to state statutes and town ordinances.
      (2)   It shall also be the duty of the police officers to:
         (a)   Enforce town ordinances and the laws of the state within the jurisdictional limits of the town;
         (b)   Execute and return all writs and process directed to them by a Municipal Court Judge in any case arising under the ordinances of the town and serve and enforce such warrants as authorized under state law; and
         (c)   Investigate, make arrests, issue summonses, sign complaints and assist in prosecution for violations of state or federal statutes and municipal ordinances; suppress all riots and breaches of the peace and apprehend persons fleeing from justice.
   (E)   Police officers - termination of employment. All police officers shall be under the command and supervision of the Chief of Police, who shall review and evaluate their performance and who may, in accordance with the personnel policies, terminate the employment of any officer when deemed necessary for the proper or efficient operation of the Police Department.
   (F)   Reserve officer force. Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, the Chief of Police may establish reserve officer positions in the Police Department. Reserve officers shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Chief of Police or, in the Chief’s absence, the highest ranking officer. Reserve officers shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed at the town’s discretion for authorized out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of duty. The position of reserve officer is volunteer in nature, and such relationship may be severed by the Chief of Police at any time, with or without cause.
(Ord. 1-09, passed - -200-)