It is unlawful for any person to permit any junked vehicle to be left upon any street, highway, public property or, being the owner or tenant in possession of any real property in the town, to cause or permit any junked vehicle to be put upon or kept upon any real property in the town, except that this section shall not apply to the following conditions, which shall constitute an affirmative defense:
   (A)   The vehicle is located upon the premises of a lawfully zoned vehicle repair or vehicle storage business;
   (B)   The vehicle is stored within a completely enclosed structure;
   (C)   In nonresidential areas, the vehicle is screened by a concealing fence not less than six feet in height and otherwise complying with town ordinances applicable to such fence, rendering the vehicle not visible to persons on adjacent private or public property to the extent concealment can be reasonably obtained under the conditions of topography and other attendant circumstances;
   (D)   A maximum of one vehicle per lot or parcel of real property is permitted if the vehicle is currently undergoing repair or is awaiting the settlement of an insurance claim; provided the vehicle is removed or brought into compliance within 90 days; or
   (E)   A vehicle which is determined to be a motor vehicle collector’s item as defined and regulated by C.R.S. § 42-12-101, as amended, so long as the keeping and storage of such motor vehicle is in compliance with said statute.
(Ord. 01-2021, passed 1-27-2021) Penalty, see § 92.99