General Provisions
31.01 Oath; bond
31.02 Compensation
31.03 Removal from office
31.04 Participation in County Employees Retirement System
Elected Officials
31.20 Election procedure
31.21 Mayor
31.22 Councilmembers
Nonelected City Officials
31.35 Establishment of nonelected city offices
31.36 City Clerk-Treasurer
(A) Oath. Each officer of the city shall, before entering upon the discharge of duties of his office, take the following oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and the Constitution of the United States, and be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute, to the best of my ability, the office of , according to law; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that, since the adoption of the present Constitution, I being a citizen of this United States, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State, nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as a second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending, so help me God,” as established by section 228 of the Kentucky Constitution.
(B) Certification of the person administering the oath of office to an elected official shall certify in writing that the oath was administered and the date of its administration. Said certification shall be filed in accordance with KRS 62.020.
(C) Bond.
(1) All officers, officials, and employees of cities, counties, urban-county governments, charter county governments, a regional wastewater commission, and special districts who handle public funds in the execution of their duties shall give a good and sufficient bond to the local governing body for the faithful and honest performance of his or her duties and as security for all money coming into that person's hands or under that person's control. The bond amount shall be based upon the maximum amount of public funds the officer, official, or employee handles at any given time during a fiscal year cycle. The local governing body shall pay the cost of the bond.
(2) Elected officials who post bond as required by statute, and employees of their offices covered by a blanket or umbrella bond, shall be deemed to have complied with subsection (1) of this section.
(KRS 65.067)
(A) City Council shall establish the compensation of every elected city officer not later than the first Monday in May in the year in which the officer is elected. An elected officer's compensation shall not be changed after his election or during his term of office.
(1) In order to equate the compensation of Mayors and Councilmembers with the purchasing power of the dollar, the Department for Local Government computes by the second Friday in February of every year the annual increase or decrease in the consumer price index of the preceding year by using 1949 as the base year in accordance with section 246 of the Constitution of Kentucky, which provides that the Mayor in cities of the first class shall be paid at a rate no greater than $12,000 per annum and Mayors in cities other than the first class and Councilmembers shall be paid at a rate no greater than $7,200 per annum.
(2) The City Council shall set the compensation of these officers in accordance with KRS 83A.070 at a rate no greater than that stipulated by the Department for Local Government.
(B) The City Council shall establish the compensation of city employees and non-elected city officers in accordance with the personnel and pay classification plan ordinance of the city.
(C) All fees and commissions authorized by law shall be paid into the city treasury for the benefit of the city and shall not be retained by any officer or employee.
Statutory reference:
Compensation, see KRS 83A.070 and 83A.075
(A) Elected officers. Any elected officer, in case of misconduct, inability, or willful neglect in the performance of the duties of his office, may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the members of the City Council exclusive of any member to be removed, who shall not vote in the deliberation of his removal. No elected officer shall be removed without having been given the right to a full public hearing. The officer, if removed, has the right to appeal to the circuit court of the county and the appeal shall be on the record. No officer so removed is eligible to fill the office vacated before the expiration of the term to which originally elected.
(B) Nonelected officers. Nonelected city officers may be removed by the Mayor at will, unless otherwise provided by state law or ordinance.
Statutory reference:
Removal of elected officers, see KRS 83A.040(9)
Removal of nonelected officers, see KRS 83A.080(2)
(A) The city is authorized to participate in the County Employees Retirement System and all eligible regular full-time officers and employees of the city are hereby authorized and directed to comply with the statutory requirements of this retirement system.
(B) All the employees of this city (either employed under nonhazardous job positions or hazardous positions) whose duties require an average of 100 hours during each working month shall be considered as “regular full-time” employees for County Retirement purposes except those persons who are employed as “temporary,” “emergency,” “part- time,” and “seasonal” workers, as defined in KRS 78.510(21) of the county employees retirement laws.
(Ord. 476, passed 7-17-89)