Zone Map Changes Listed
   EDITOR'S NOTE: The following listing contains references to all ordinances enacted by Council which have amended the Zone Map of the City, adopted by Section 1305.30 of this Planning and Zoning Code.
Ord. No.    Date       Description
1962-24    6-25-62    Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 3 and-4 in Tract 12 from R1-60 Residential to R1-50 Residential.
1962-26    6-25-62    Original Willoughby Twp. Lloyd Lots 11, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Tract 12 from CM (Commercial-Manufacturing) to LB (Local Business).
1962-70    10-22-62    Two parcels being parts of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 3 and 11 in Tract 12 from R1-75 Residential to R1-50 Residential.
1962-73    11-19-62    Two parcels being parts of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 12 in Tract 11 from RMF (Multi-family Residential) to GB (General Business) with 140-foot minimum front yard; two parcels from RMF (Multi-family Residential) to P (Automobile Parking).
1962-74    11-19-62    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 9 and 12 of Tract 11 from LB (Local Business) to GB (General Business) with 140-foot minimum front yard.
1962-75    11-19-62    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 9 in Tract 11 from RMF (Multi-family Residential) to OB (Office Building); part of same lot from RMF (Multi-family Residential) to P (Automobile Parking).
1963-32    5-12-63    Part of Tract 11 (1.00 acre) of Lot 9, North middle from OB (Office Building) and P (Automobile Parking) to LB (Local Business).
1963-55    7-8-63       Sublots 5 and 6 in the Beechwood Drive Subdivision from R1-75 Residential to R1-60 Residential.
1963-65    8-12-63    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 4 and 5, Tract 8, on Lincoln Rd. from R1-75 Residential to R-1 50 Residential.
1963-90    12-9-63    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 12 in Tract 11 from GB (General Business) to RMF (Multi-family Residential).
1964-6    3-9-64       Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 12 in Tract 11 from GB (General Business) and P (Automobile Parking) to GB (General Business).
1964-11    3-23-64    Five parcels being part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lloyd Lot in Tract 12 from OB (Office Building) to GB (General Business).
1964-14    4-13-64    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 9 and 12 in Tract 11 from P (Automobile Parking) to R2F (Two-family Residential); part of same lots from R1-50 Residential to R2F (Two-family Residential).
1964-44    6-22-64    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 2 of Tract 8 from OB (Office Building) to LB (Local Business).
1965-39    6-14-65    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 1, Tract 8, from CM (Commercial-Manufacturing) to GB (General Business).
1965-59    8-16-65    Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 5 and 7, Tract 12, from R1- 60 Residential to R1-50 Residential.
1965-72    10-25-65    Certain sublots in Ridgehills Estates of part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 2 and 3, Tract 8, from R1-75 Residential to GB (General Business).
1965-90    12-13-65    (a) Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 10, Tract 12, and Lot 12, Tract 11, from OB (Office Building) to LB (Local Business).
            (b) Part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 10, Tract 12, and Lot 12, Tract 11, from P (Automobile Parking) and R1-50 Residential to P (Automobile Parking).
1966-28    4-25-66    Part of Lot 12, Tract 11, from GB (General Business) and RMF (Multi-Family Residential) to GB (General Business).
1966-93    12-27-66    0.284 acres (Lots 22 and 23 of proposed Harrison Subdivision on Arbor Rd.) from RMF (Multi-family Residential) to P (Automobile Parking).
1969-7    2-24-69    Two parcels in Ridgehills Estates Subdivision from R1-75 Residential to GB (General Business).
1969-8    2-24-69    18.4598 acres in Ridgehills Estates Subdivision from R1-75 Residential to RHR (High-Rise).
1969-44    6-23-69    Land near intersection of Bishop Rd. and Euclid Ave. from P (Automobile Parking), OB (Office Building) and LB (Local Business) to GB (General Business).
1969-7      11-10-69    Parcel 1 (0.817 acres at intersection of Arbor Rd. & Euclid Ave.) and Parcel 2 (0.98 acres on Euclid Ave.) from RMF (Multi-family Residential) to LB (Local Business).
1969-97    1-26-70    5 acres on Euclid Ave. from IR (Institutional-Recreation) to GB (General Business).
1969-101    1-26-70    4.503 acres at intersection of East 300th St. and Euclid Ave. from OB (Office Building), R1-75 Residential and I (Industrial) to GB (General Business).
1970-80    10-26-70    Parcel 1 (1.19 acres at intersection of Euclid Ave. and Wickliffe School House Lot), Parcel 2 (0.527 acres on Lincoln Rd.) and Parcel 3 (at intersection of Euclid Ave. and Lincoln Rd.) from OB (Office Building) to LB (Local Business).
1971-8    5-10-71    Parcel fronting 50 ft. on NE side of Rockefeller Rd. from R-150 Residential to CM (Commercial Manufacturing).
1971-32    7-12-71    Parcel 1 (2.27 acres at intersection of Euclid Ave. and easterly access line of Euclid Spur) and Parcel 2 (at same location) from IR (Institutional-Recreation) to OB (Office Building).
1971-50    11-22-71    Parcel 1 (at intersection of Euclid Ave. and Craneing Rd.) and Parcel 2 (on Craneing Rd.) from CM (Commercial-Manufacturing) and R1-50 Residential to LB (Local Business) and P (Automobile Parking).
1972-33   6-12-72   Parcel at intersection of Euclid Ave. and East 289th St. from CM (Commercial Manufacturing) to GB (General Business).
1972-66   1-8-73   Parcel containing 18.46 acres located adjacent to Bishop Road at the southerly corporation line of the City from RHR (High-Rise) to R1-75 (One-Family).
1973-34   9-10-73   2.360 acres on Euclid Ave. at intersection of easterly line of land conveyed to L.J. Trotter Ford Inc., from (I) Industrial to (GB) General Business.
1973-33   1-28-74   Parcel in the vicinity of A.J. Ward Jr. property and the easterly limited access line of the Euclid Spur from IR (Institutional and Recreational) to OB (Office Building).
1974-9   4-22-74   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 2 in Tract No. 8, in the vicinity of Euclid Ave. and Bishop of Cleve. lands containing 1.513 acres, from IR (Institutional and Recreational) to GB (General Business).
1974-74   3-10-75   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot. No. 4 in Tract No. 8 in the vicinity of Maple St. and Euclid Ave. containing 1.067 acres, from OB (Office Building) to LB (Local Business).
1975-7   4-14-75   Part of Lot No. 11, Tract No. 11 adjacent to Euclid Ave., containing 5.293 acres, from I (Industrial) to GB (General Business).
1975-42   11-24-75   Part of Original Willoughby Township Tract No. 8, adjacent to Euclid Ave., from R1-75 (One Family 75) to IR (Institutional and Recreational).
1976-39   9-27-76   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 1 in Tract No. 8 in the vicinity of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis RR and Crane Subdivision, from GB (General Business) to I (Industrial).
1976-72   2-14-77   Part of Lot No. 11, Tract No. 11 adjacent to intersection of Euclid Ave. and Wickliffe/Willowick corp. line, containing 3.002 acres, from I (Industrial) to GB (General Business).
1977-9   4-26-77   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 10, Tract No. 12, at Euclid Ave. and F. Taddeo property, from R (R1-50 Residential) to P (Parking).
1977-33   6-27-77   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 11, Tract No. 11 adjacent to Euclid Ave., vicinity of L.J. Trotter Ford, Inc., from I (Industrial) to GB (General Business).
1977-50    9-26-77   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 1 in Tract No. 8 in the vicinity of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis RR and Crane Subdivision, from I(Industrial) to GB (General Business).
Ord. No.   Approved   Description
1977-73   6-8-78   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 1, Tract No. 8, in the vicinity of Euclid Ave. and Crane Subdivision, containing about 8.60 acres, from CM (Commercial-Manufacturing ) to GB (General Business).
1977-77   6-8-78   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 2, Tract No. 8, in the vicinity of Continental Restaurant Systems, Inc. land, containing 0.597 acre, from IR (Institutional-Recreational) to GB (General Business).
1979-37   11-6-79   Part of Original Willoughby Township Lot No. 2, Tract No. 8 from IR (Institutional Recreational) to OB (Office Building).
1999-68   12-13-99   3.624 acres owned by Judith Ann-Wright Pavelecky from I-R (Institutional-Recreational) to R1-50 (Residential One-Family).
2007-05   3-12-07   0.929 acres of land containing a residential home from I-R (Institutional-Residential) to R-100 (Residential One-Family).
Res.2007-10   11-6-07   The Green Ridge Golf Course property from Private Recreation/Institutional to Public Open-Space District.
2007-67   9-24-07   0.316 acres of land containing a residential home from R-75 (Residential One-Family) to Public Open Space.