(A)   Cannabis establishments must apply for a sign permit with the Common Council, or as otherwise provided by city ordinance. All such shall meet the standards established in the city code.
   (B)   A cannabis establishment may not advertise in a manner that is misleading, deceptive, false, or is designed to appeal to minors.
   (C)   The owner or operator of a cannabis dispensary must post in a conspicuous location a legible sign containing the following warnings:
      (1)   A warning that the use of cannabis may impair a person’s ability to drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery, and that it is illegal under state law to drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery when under the influence of, or impaired by, cannabis;
      (2)   A warning that possession and distribution of cannabis is a violation of federal law;
      (3)   A warning that consumption of cannabis on the property of a cannabis establishment is prohibited by law; and
      (4)   A warning that the smoking of cannabis in public or on any form of public transportation is prohibited by law.
   (D)   Except as otherwise provided in this section, it shall be unlawful to advertise any cannabis establishment or any cannabis product anywhere within the city where the advertisement is in plain view of, or in, a place open to the general public, including advertising utilizing any of the following media: any billboard or other outdoor general advertising device as defined by the zoning code; any sign mounted on a vehicle; any hand-held or other portable sign; or any handbill, leaflet, or flier directly handed to any person in a public place, left upon a motor vehicle, or posted upon any public or private property. The prohibition in this section shall not apply to:
      (1)   Any sign located on the licensed premises of a cannabis establishment which exists solely for the purpose of identifying the location of the premises, and which otherwise complies with this code and any other applicable city laws and regulations; or
      (2)   Any advertisement contained within a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical of general circulation within the city or on the internet.
   (E)   A cannabis establishment must not distribute or allow the distribution of any cannabis without charge within a cannabis establishment, or at any other place for purposes of promotion, advertising, or any other purpose.
(Ord. 2021-004, passed 11-15-2021) Penalty, see § 10.99