(A) New and replacement installations of a given type shall be consistent throughout the city limits, and any extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) where this chapter is of effect.
(B) All new or replacement poles shall be of non-wooden, non-conductive and non-corrodible materials.
(C) Antennas attached to new poles or structures in the PROW shall be of a type that disguises the fact that they are antennas, unless for reasons proven by verifiable clear and convincing evidence that to do so is technologically impracticable, in which case a best case type of camouflaging shall be used.
(D) Where not technologically or commercially impracticable, equipment attached to poles in the PROW shall utilize a “concealed” design, including all cabling and any antennas being placed inside the pole or support structure.
(E) So as to avoid an applicant having to bear the cost of doing an environmental assessment and report as otherwise required by FCC Rule 14-153, any ground-mounted equipment enclosures shall be no larger than is technologically necessary, but in no case larger than 17 cubic feet in volume for all users of the equipment shelter cumulatively.
(F) To protect the nature and character of the area impacted area a facility shall be:
(1) Of a color determined by the Department to be harmonious with the particular area;
(2) Located as near the pole as applicable safety codes allow;
(3) Screened with evergreen shrubbery of sufficient size to hide the equipment shelter; and
(4) If the PROW is landscaped with decorative vegetation, of the same species, color, size and shape as is used to landscape the PROW in the neighborhood of the pole or enclosure.
(G) Pole-mounted cabinets shall be as small as possible, but no larger than is technologically necessary and reasonably possible, and shall be shielded from view in both directions parallel to the PROW by decorative, noncommercial banners or under a pole-mounted shroud.
(H) Unless proven to be physically unfeasible or commercially impracticable by verifiable clear and convincing evidence, any person proposing a new attachment to an existing wooden primary electrical distribution pole, wooden secondary electrical distribution pole or wooden streetlight in the PROW shall, instead, replace the existing pole with a pole as described in this division (H).
(I) All new poles shall meet or exceed current NESC standards and wind and ice loading requirements of the latest version of ANSI 222 Version G.
(J) Any new poles installed shall be “green”, not made of wood and not leach any volatile organic compounds or toxic materials into the ground.
(K) To avoid unsightly rust and corrosion, any new pole installed shall not be made of metal, concrete or cement.
(Ord. 2017-O-55, passed 9-12-2017)