(A) The City Council shall hear all applications for approval of a major site plan and shall follow quasi-judicial procedures.
(B) Permits may be issued by the City Planning Director or his or her designee only after approval by the City Council. The application and plan sets for major site plan and approval shall be submitted to the City Planning Director or his or her designee. The application shall include all of the requirements pertaining to it as specified in this subchapter and the Planning Director shall prepare a report to the City Council. The Planning Board may hear the application and forward its recommendations to the City Council within 30 days after its review of the application. However, it should be noted that no part of the forum or recommendation may be used as a basis for the decision by the City Council.
(C) The City Council shall give notice of and conduct a quasi-judicial public hearing as outlined in § 155.266.
(D) The city shall approve, deny or approve with conditions the major site plan. No site plan approval shall be granted unless it complies with the following findings of fact:
(1) The plan is consistent with the adopted plans and policies of the city;
(2) The plan complies with all applicable requirements of this chapter;
(3) There exists adequate infrastructure (transportation and utilities) to support the plan as proposed; and
(4) The plan will not be detrimental to the use or development of adjacent properties or other neighborhood uses.
(E) In approving the major site plan, the City Council may apply conditions to assure that the use in its proposed location will be harmonious with the area in which it is proposed to be located and with the spirit of this chapter. Site-specific conditions must be limited to those required for conformance to the city's plans and ordinances and/or to address project impacts. Conditions must not be imposed that the city does not otherwise have statutory authority to impose. All conditions shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting and on the approved plans. To ensure that the conditions will be fulfilled, the applicant and/or landowner must agree, in writing, to the conditions.
(F) Appeals. An appeal from the decision of the city regarding a major site plan may be made in accordance with § 155.269.
(G) Permit validity. Approval of a major site plan shall be valid for two years from the date of approval. Construction plans shall be presented for approval prior to the end of this two year period.
(Ord. 2021-Z-19, passed 6-22-2021)