(A) The license to exhibit a circus or menagerie, a circus and menagerie combined, wild west show, or other itinerant show not exhibited in a theater, opera house or other permanent place for public shows, shall be based upon the number of railroad cars or motor trucks used to transport the property or equipment of such shows, but not including railroad cars or motor trucks used to transport the personnel thereof.
(B) If railroad cars are used, the fee shall be $4 for each car for each day on which any performance is given; if motor trucks are used the fee shall be $5 for each truck for each day on which any performance is given.
(C) The license fee to exhibit a street or other carnival shall be $5 a week for each entertainment, performance or exhibition given at or in the vicinity of any such carnival. Each such entertainment, performance or exhibition shall require a separate license, whether or not shown under the same canvas and whether or not exhibited for additional compensation; and upon any such entertainment, performance or exhibition being concluded, so that an additional fee for admission is charged, an additional license fee shall be required for any further or additional entertainment, performance or exhibition. To operate any riding device of any kind at or in the vicinity of any street or carnival show, the fee shall be $10 per week for each such device.
(D) To keep or maintain any concession stand selling service, goods, wares or merchandise, such as food, soft drinks, ice cream, candy floss and the like, at or in the vicinity of such street or carnival show, the fee shall be $5 a week for each such concession. To maintain any concession stand such as ball games, bingo, cane rack, penny pitch-till-you-win, striking machine, weighing machine, shooting gallery, artful dodger, bumper, fish pond, dart game or other legitimate games of skill, none of which shall be controlled by the operator, at or in the vicinity of any street or carnival show, the license fee shall be $5 a week for each such concession. To operate or maintain a candy wheel or any legitimate merchandise wheels, when operated without control of the operator, the license fee shall be $25 a day. To operate or maintain rides of all kinds the license fee shall be $10 each week.
(E) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any educational, literary, dramatic, musical or benevolent society, or volunteer fire companies, not conducted for private profit, where such exhibitions are confined to one county, unless professional or paid talent, other than director, is employed in such exhibitions.
(1986 Code, § 741.16)