(A)   The Mayor or the Superintendent of Public Works shall have the power to enact seasonal regulations or restrictions on the amount or purpose of water use by Municipal Water Users. This power shall include, but is not limited to, restrictions on time, place or amount of water use for lawn or other irrigation. The City Clerk shall be notified immediately of the enactment of any such regulations and/or restrictions.
   (B)   Upon enacting such regulations or restrictions, the City Clerk shall cause the posting of such regulations or restrictions in the same manner as is provided for posting of special meetings. Additionally, such postings shall be made on-line at the City website and may be included in the water bills, space permitting. When such regulations or restrictions are lifted or expire, the postings shall be removed from the City website, the water bills and such other locations as may be found.
(Ord. 369, passed 4-1-2018, § 4.08.290)