(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, whether acting independently or under the direction or authority of another who is not a City employee, to use or take water from the City water system without a license or permit, or without authority, open, dig out, curb over or remove any fire plug, hydrant, stop, cock, valve, valve box, water meter or any other fixture pertaining to the City water system, or turn on or shut off water into or from any water pipe within the City water system without the proper permit.
   (B)   It shall not be unlawful to take such actions as are necessary in an emergency to prevent damage to property or to prevent injury to another. Prompt notice of the emergency and the actions taken shall be given to the City by the individual taking the action.
   (C)   Any person violating this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided in this chapter. In addition to any penalty provided, the person shall be ordered to pay the cost of any water used, the cost of any repair required by the acts committed, to include the costs of personnel, materials and the costs of any damage occasioned by such actions.
(Ord. 369, passed 4-1-2018, § 4.08.170)