(A) All stop boxes and cut-offs for controlling the supply of water to consumers shall be placed within the street line in the location described by the Public Works Department. The top of all stop boxes shall conform to the surface of the sidewalk and shall not be covered in any manner which prevents access by City employees.
(B) In the event a stop box or curb stop ceases to function or is required to be replaced for any reason, and is within the property line of the service property, the City will provide reasonable notice, minimum of 24 hours, to the property owner and any resident of the need to replace the stop box or curb stop and shall arrange for a suitable time to enter onto the property for that purpose, unless an emergency requires immediate access to the location. Thereafter, the replaced stop box or curb stop shall be placed within the City right-of-way as determined by the Public Works Department.
(Ord. 369, passed 4-1-2018, § 4.08.080; Ord. 2022-379, - -2022)