Any impounded property which has been held for a minimum of one year and remains unclaimed, is subject to public auction or sale. The Chief of Police, in consultation with the City Mayor, shall determine when to offer the impounded properties for sale. Prior to a sale, the Chief of Police shall make a complete and detailed list of the impounded properties to be included in a publication notice of the sale. The publication of the notice of sale shall be published for at least ten days in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. The costs of the publication shall be added to the costs associated with the impound. The sale may be by public auction or by submission of written bid. Written bids, when received, may be accepted or rejected as to each separate item of property and all sales are final only when the successful bidder has provided cash to the Chief of Police or the City Treasurer. (1985 Code, § 10.03.190) (Ord. 373, passed 3-3-2020)