§ 4.5.2 FINDINGS.
   (A)   Loud and raucous noise degrades the environment of the City to a degree that:
      (1)   It may be harmful to the health, welfare and safety of its inhabitants and visitors;
      (2)   It may interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property reasonably expected in an urban environment; and
      (3)   It may cause or aggravate health problems.
   (B)   Both the effective control and the elimination of loud or raucous noise are essential to the health and welfare of the citizens and visitors of the City as well as to the conduct of the normal pursuits of life, including recreation, work and communication.
   (C)   The use of sound amplification equipment creates loud and raucous noise that may, in a particular manner and at a particular time and place, substantially and unreasonably invade the privacy, peace and freedom of the citizens of and visitors to the City.
   (D)   Certain short-term easing of noise restrictions is essential to allow the construction and maintenance of structures, infrastructure and other elements necessary for the physical and commercial vitality of the City. (Ord. 368, passed 12-3-2018)