(A)   To the Committee on Finance shall be referred all matters relating to the general condition, revenues and expenditures of the City, and said committee shall audit all books of account of all the city officers and shall investigate and report on the financial condition, revenues and expenditures of the City, from time to time and as directed by the Council.
   (B)   To the Committee on Streets and Alleys shall be referred all matters relating to the streets and alleys of the City and it shall investigate and report on the condition of the same from time to time and as directed by the Council.
   (C)   To other committees as established from time to time, the business of the committee shall be referred and such committee shall investigate and report on the conditions from time to time as directed by the Mayor or the Council. When such committee has served its purpose and the purpose is no longer needed, such committee may be disbanded.
(1985 Code, § 2.08.040)