(A)   Domestic animals.
      (1)   Vaccinated animals which have been bitten or otherwise significantly exposed to a rabid animal should be humanely destroyed or if sufficient justification for preserving the animal exists, the exposed vaccinated animal should be immediately given a booster rabies vaccination and placed in strict isolation for 45 days. Unvaccinated animals shall be immediately given a rabies vaccination and placed in strict isolation for 90 days and given booster vaccinations during the third and eighth weeks of isolation. If the unvaccinated animal is under three months of age at the time of the second vaccination, an additional booster should be given when the animal reaches three months of age.
      (2)   If a veterinarian determines that a quarantined animal does not show the clinical signs of rabies, it may be released to the owner prior to or upon expiration of the quarantine period; provided, the owner has paid all of the reasonable costs of such quarantine and any veterinarian bills. However, if the quarantined animal shows the clinical sign of the disease of rabies, the animal shall be humanely destroyed and its head or brain submitted to the nearest laboratory certified by the state Department of Health for rabies diagnosis.
   (B)   Wild or exotic animals. No wild or exotic animal will be placed in quarantine. All wild or exotic animals will be humanely destroyed in such a manner that the brain is not mutilated. The brain will then be submitted to a laboratory certified for rabies diagnosis in order to be tested.
   (C)   Quarantining facilities. Any animal to be placed in quarantine must be placed in an animal control facility approved by the state Department of Health as directed by the health authority. However, the owner of the animal may request permission for home quarantine if the following criteria can be met:
      (1)   Secure facilities must be available at the home of the animal’s owner and must be approved by a licensed veterinarian.
      (2)   The animal is currently vaccinated against rabies.
      (3)   A licensed veterinarian must observe the animal at least on the first and last days of the quarantine period. If the animal becomes ill during the observation period, the municipality and veterinarian must be notified by the person having possession of the animal. At the end of the observation period, the release from quarantine must be provided in writing by the attending veterinarian and approved by the municipality.
      (4)   The animal was not a stray at the time of the bite incident.
      (5)   If the biting animal cannot be maintained in secure quarantine, it shall be humanely destroyed and the brain submitted to a laboratory certified by the state Department of Health for rabies diagnosis.
(Ord. 914, passed 10-14-04) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Rabies control, see Tex. Health & Safety Code Ch. 826