The Animal Control Officer, health authority, or any police officer shall have the authority to issue citations for any violation of this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person, upon being issued a citation, to intentionally or knowingly give the Animal Control Officer, health authority or any police officer other than his true name and address. It shall be unlawful to intentionally or knowingly fail to appear in accordance with the terms of a citation issued by the Animal Control Officer, health authority or any police officer. If the person being cited is not present, the Animal Control Officer, health authority, or any police officer may send the citation to the alleged offender by certified mail, or registered mail, return receipts requested, whereupon service shall be deemed completed. It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally or knowingly interfere with the Animal Control Officer, health authority, or any police officer in the performance of his duties. The Animal Control Officer, health authority, or any police officer shall have the right to ingress and egress on private property for the purpose of apprehending an animal at large.
(Ord. 914, passed 10-14-04)
Statutory reference:
   Animals generally, see Tex. Health & Safety Code Ch. 821