(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this schedule, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      STREET. Any street or alley within the limits of the city that is not designated as a state or federal highway.
      TRUCK. A truck, tractor, semi-trailer, or combination of tractor with trailer with a rated capacity of 20,000 pounds gross vehicle weight (gvw) or more which exceeds 35 feet in length.
   (B)   Providing for the posting of certain streets.
      (1)   The City Council shall have authority to post notices on city streets and alleys within the limits of the city prohibiting the use of certain streets and alleys by trucks within the city.
      (2)   For the purpose of this schedule, such notice shall be in the form of street sign erected so as to be easily observed and is clearly worded so as to restrict or prohibit truck traffic when observed by the operators of vehicles attempting to make use of such streets, alleys or portions thereof and that provides detour to avoid entry into the restricted streets, alleys or portions thereof.
   (C)   Restricted streets. It shall be a violation of this schedule for an operator of any truck to drive on or into the following public streets, alleys or portions thereof, when sign posted to prohibit or restrict trucks from such streets, alleys or portions thereof:
Restricted Location
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Randy Street
From North Union Street easterly to U.S. Highway 377
Bois D Arc
From Highway 82 southerly to Highway 377
   (D)   (1)   Vehicles with a rated capacity in excess of eighty thousand pounds GVWR. No person shall intentionally and knowingly operate any vehicle with a rated capacity in excess of eighty thousand pounds GVWR (80,000), 15 feet high, 80 feet long, and nine feet wide according to the manufacturer's classification upon the following streets:
         (a)   Bois D'Arc.
         (b)   Main Street (S.H. 56).
         (c)   Union Street Business (HWY 377).
      (2)   Any vehicle owned or controlled by the United States Government, State of Texas, County of Grayson, or City of Whitesboro is excluded from compliance with this section.
      (3)   Recreational vehicles and personal trailers. As used in this section recreational vehicles means a vehicular portable structure designed for a temporary or short-term occupancy for travel, recreational or vacation uses, including vacation travel trailers, converted buses, tent trailers or similar devices used for temporary portable housing. As used in this section personal trailer means a wheeled device made to be hauled by a personal motor vehicle upon a road or highway, and includes a horse trailer, dog trailer, car trailer, motorcycle trailer, boat trailer, lawn equipment trailer, gooseneck trailer, and any other trailer designed and intended to be used to carry animals, boats, large items, or motor-driven means of transportation.
      (3)   There are exception to this section:
         (a)   The operation of emergency vehicles upon any street in the city.
         (b)   The operation of trucks owned or operated by the city, or contracted by the city, upon any street in the city.
         (c)   The operator of any tractor by a resident in transit between his or her home and place of employment.
         (d)   The delivery of goods and services which operate in on the streets mentioned.
   (E)   Authority. Authority to enforce the provisions of this schedule shall be vested in the Chief of Police or his or her assigns.
   (F)   Penalty. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the provisions of this schedule, and every person convicted of a misdemeanor for violation of any provisions of this schedule shall be punished by a fine as provided in § 10.99.