(A)   The City Secretary shall attend all meetings of the City Council and keep correct minutes or journal of the proceedings in a book provided for that purpose, and shall read all petitions, ordinances, resolutions, reports or other writings that shall come before the City Council of their action; record all ordinances and attest therein with his or her official signature the date of passage of such ordinances and when publication thereof his or her official signature, the date of passage of such ordinance, and when publication thereof is required, shall cause the same to be published in the official newspaper in compliance with the statues of the state pertaining thereto; shall record all resolutions adopted by the City Council and executed by the Mayor and file same in the minutes of the City Council; shall have custody of and keep all records, books, contracts and such other documents that may be filed with the City Council or in the office of the City Secretary; shall keep all books and records for the receipts and disbursement of all moneys and funds of the city; maintain all records of all bonds, warrants, or all such other financial instruments, arrangements, and negotiations necessary for maintaining the money transactions of the city, and to supervise all such other employees of the office of the city and do all such other duties as provided under the general laws of the state for such office or as provided for by the ordinances of this city, and to be responsible for such other official duties as therein provided for.
   (B)   The City Secretary may appoint a person subject to the approval of the City Council to serve in the City Secretary's absence or to assist in the performance of his or her duties, such assistant to be classified as City Clerk. The City Secretary shall appoint such other persons, subject to the approval of the City Council, to assist in the operation of the city office.
(Ord. 814, passed 4-14-98)
Statutory reference:
   Authority to appoint, remove, and establish duties for City Secretary, see Tex. Local Gov't Code §§ 22.071 - 22.074 and 22.077
   Duties specified, see Tex. Local Gov't Code § 22.073