§ 16.01 SEWER RATES.
   (A)   Sewer taps.
      (1)   The city shall be responsible for the tapping of all the sewer lines and maintenance of the sewer lines from the main sewer line to one foot within the property adjoining the street.
      (2)   Any sewer tap or installation of a sewer line that requires cutting a street surface will require an additional fee of $4.50 per square foot of street surface cut in order to make repairs to the street surface.
   (B)   Sewer service fees. A sewer service fee of $900 shall be paid to the city prior to commencement of service.
   (C)   Rates.
      (1)   The charges for sanitary sewer service, regardless of class or type of service, shall be set at a rate of $19.96 minimum charge for the use of less than 2,000 gallons, or portions thereof, for water billed to that user and $25.13 minimum charge for use of more than 2,000 gallons plus $3.10 per 1,000 gallons used.
      (2)   For apartments, apartment complexes or multifamily dwellings, the minimum bill shall be the number of living units times the minimum rate; the minimum usage shall be the number of living units times 2,000 gallons; after attaining the minimum usage, the bill for the apartments, apartment complex or multifamily dwelling shall be calculated on the usage described in division (C)(1).
      (3)   The maximum sewer bill for the months of May, June, July, August and September shall not exceed the maximum monthly sewer bill incurred during the months of October, November, December, January, February, March and April; applicable only to the Whitesboro Independent School District exclusively.
   (D)   Penalty. It shall be unlawful for any person, association or cooperation to connect with any sewer main or to utilize the sewer mains for disposal of sewage without payment of the herein named charges. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be punished as provided in § 10.99.
(Ord. 797, passed 8-12-97; Am. Ord. 862, passed 10-9-01; Am. Ord. 881, passed 8-22-02; Am. Ord. 944, passed 9-6-05; Am. Ord. 1011, passed 9-14- 10; Am. Ord. 1052, passed 9-10-13; Am. Ord. 1070, passed 9-8-15; Am. Ord. 1143, passed 8-11- 20; Am. Ord. 1154, passed 11-10-20; Am. Ord. 1198, passed 10-4-22)
   Authorized, see § 51.030