(A)   Conformity to thoroughfare plan. The width and location of streets shall conform to such thoroughfare plan of the city, both as to horizontal and vertical alignment and right-of-way widths.
   (B)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ALLEY. A public or private way designed primarily for vehicular travel to provide access to the rear or side property otherwise abutting on a street.
      ARTERIAL STREET or MAJOR THOROUGHFARE. Any street designated as being a principal route more or less continuous across the city or areas adjacent thereto, or any route carrying or designated to carry fast-moving or large volumes of traffic.
      COLLECTOR STREET. A street which is continuous through several residential districts and is intended as a connecting street between residential districts and thoroughfares or business districts.
      CUL-DE-SAC. A local street having but one outlet to another street and terminated on the opposite end by a vehicular turnaround.
      DEAD END STREET. A street other than a cul-de-sac having only one outlet.
      FRONTAGE STREET. A local street lying parallel to and adjoining a major street right-of-way that provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
      LOCAL STREET. A street exclusively or primarily providing access to abutting properties. A local street may be located within a residential, commercial, or industrial area.
      LOOP STREET. A local street having only two outlets onto one other street.
   (C)   Relation to adjoining street system. The proposed street system shall extend all existing major streets and such collectors and local access streets as may be desirable for convenience. Where possible, the width and the horizontal and vertical alignment of extended streets shall be preserved. Streets and rights- of-way shall be compatible with the city’s thoroughfare plan.
   (D)   Street jogs. Offsets in street alignment shall not be less than 125 feet between center lines.
   (E)   Topography. The street system shall bear a logical relationship to the natural topography of the ground.
   (F)   Pavement and right-of-way.
Type Street
Pavement Width (Back of Curb)
49' (with curb and gutter)
38' (with curb and gutter)
31' (with curb and gutter)
Residential Estates
22' (no curb and gutter)
Curb and gutter shall be installed in subdivisions with lots smaller than one acre.
   (G)   Structural design of street. Streets shall be designed for the expected volume and weight of vehicles in the traffic. The thickness of the stabilized subgrade, base, and pavement shall be derived for the traffic load from the California Bearing Ratios of the materials used in the design of flexible pavements. The design of concrete streets shall relate pavement thickness to coefficient of subgrade reaction, traffic load, and concrete strength. Minimum requirements for subgrade stabilization, base, and pavement are listed in Items 8 and 9.
   (H)   Subgrade stabilization. All streets shall be constructed on stabilized subgrade. Design and construction of subgrade on fine grain soil shall conform to the following schedule:
Soil PI
Stabilization Method
Minimum Depth
0 - 4
3% Cement
4 - 14
Mechanical Compaction
15 +
6% Lime
   (I)   Pavement and base. The minimum thickness of base and pavement for the type street noted shall conform to the following schedule.
Type Street
Reinforced Concrete
Flex. Base
Residential Estates
1-1/2" HMAC
The 28-day compressive strength of the concrete shall not be less than 3,600 psi.
   (J)   Reinforcement and joint spacing for concrete streets. Expansion joints one inch wide shall be spaced 600 feet or less apart based on the relationship:
S = a Δt L,
S = feet of expansion
a = 6.2 * 10-6ft./°F
Δt = 100°F — air temp. at time of pour
L = feet between expansion joints
Reinforcement shall be based on contraction joint spacing and the relationship:
A S = (W * f * L)/(2 fs),
AS = square inches of steel per foot of width
W = weight of concrete slab per square foot
f = 1.5
L = feet between contraction joints
fs = 36,000 psi
Bar spacing shall not exceed three times pavement thickness or 24 inches. Bar diameter shall not be less than .375 inches.
   (K)   Vertical alignment. Grades of streets shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length in feet equal to the multiple of the algebraic difference between the grades and the values shown for the specified design speed.
Design speed
Crest vertical curve
Sag vertical curve
Vertical curves will not be required in local and residential estates streets when the change in grade is 2% or less.
   (L)   Horizontal alignment. The center line curve of streets shall have a minimum radius as follows:
Minimum center line radius (feet)
Local (commercial or industrial)
Loop streets and alleys
The maximum deflection of alignment permitted in a local, residential, or looped street without use of curve shall be three degrees. Deflections in thoroughfare and collector streets shall be by horizontal curve.
   (M)   Reverse curves. Reverse curves on thoroughfares and collector streets shall be separated by a minimum tangent of 100 feet.
   (N)   Culs-de-sac; dead end streets.
      (1)   The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be 400 feet for local streets and 800 feet for residential estates streets.
      (2)   Culs-de-sac shall have a minimum right- of-way radius of 50 feet and a minimum back-of-curb radius of 40 feet for single-family and two-family uses and a minimum right-of-way radius of 60 feet and a minimum back of curb radius of 48 feet for all other uses.
   (O)   Street intersections. Street intersections shall be perpendicular.
   (P)   Partial or half streets. Partial or half streets shall be allowed per current Fire Code.
   (Q)   Street names. Names of new streets shall not duplicate names of existing streets.
   (R)   Boundary streets.
      (1)   New streets on the boundary of a proposed subdivision shall conform to the right-of-way width and construction requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   Half streets shall be built to complete existing half streets.
      (3)   When the proposed subdivision abuts an existing right-of-way that does not conform to the requirements of this chapter, the developer shall dedicate right-of-way sufficient to make the right-of- way conform to this chapter.
      (4)   When the proposed subdivision abuts an existing street that does not conform to this chapter, the developer may:
         (a)   Construct the street according to the standards of this chapter;
         (b)   Place cash or other suitable security in deposit with the city to pay one-half the cost of constructing the street according to the standards of this chapter;
         (c)   Construct the street according to the standards of this chapter for a distance equal to one-half the length of the existing abutting street; or
         (d)   Construct the street and extensions thereof to suitable points of access to a standard acceptable to the city and at developer cost not less than the amount derived according to divisions (R)(2) and (R)(3) of this section.
   (S)   Curb and gutter. Except in Residential Estates Subdivisions, curb and gutter shall be installed by the developer on both sides of all interior streets. Provisions for curb and gutter shall be made on boundary streets in accordance with division (R) of this section.
   (T)   Street signs. The city shall install street signs, at the developer’s expense, at all intersections within the subdivision. A fee for this service shall be paid prior to acceptance of the streets and utilities.
   (U)   Laboratory testing. The city shall retain the services of a reputable commercial testing laboratory
or will perform the necessary tests on subgrade soils, flexible base material, concrete, and other construction materials, to verify that specifications are being met. These laboratory tests will be made at the developer’s expense and may include the following:
      (1)   Moisture-density relationships;
      (2)   Gradation;
      (3)   Atterberg limits;
      (4)   In-place moisture density;
      (5)   Concrete strength;
      (6)   Other as required.
   (V)   Alleys.
      (1)   Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial districts where other provisions are not made for service access, off-street loading, parking, and fire fighting.
      (2)   Alleys may be provided in residential areas.
      (3)   Alleys shall be constructed according to the standards for local streets in residential subdivisions. In commercial and industrial areas alleys shall be constructed according to the standards for their service function.
      (4)   Alleys shall be perpendicular to streets at intersections. Minimum radius of pavement of street-alley intersections shall be eight feet.
      (5)   Dead-end alleys shall be provided with culs-de-sac with a minimum paved surface radius of 30 feet.
(Ord. 933, passed 8-9-05; Am. Ord. 1176, passed 4-13-21) Penalty, see § 153.999