§ 96.23 DUTIES.
   (A)   It shall be the duty of the Parks and Recreation Board to:
      (1)   Recommend policies and procedures for the proper administration of the parks and recreation program of the municipality subject to the approval of the Council;
      (2)   Encourage and facilitate the establishment and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, play fields, centers, swimming pools, and other park and recreational facilities of the properties owned and controlled by the municipality or on private or public properties with the consent of the owners and managers thereof;
      (3)   Encourage the establishment of a supervised recreation program for all ages, on properties owned and controlled by the municipality or on private or public properties with the consent of the owners and managers thereof;
      (4)   Recommend acquisition by the municipality of such land and buildings as are deemed necessary for a parks and recreation program and subject to location approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (5)   Study and submit recommendations for improvement and expansion of the parks and recreation facilities and programs of the municipality;
      (6)   Cooperate with all agencies, groups, and clubs concerned with recreation in the municipality; and
      (7)   Make such studies concerning parks and recreation as may be requested by the Council.
   (B)   The Parks and Recreation Board shall have such additional duties as may be conferred on such Board by ordinance.
   (C)   The Parks and Recreation Board shall have no power to obligate the city in any manner whatsoever; its finances shall be handled in the same manner as any division of the city government.
(Ord. 582, passed 2-8-80)