§ 95.15 TRIAL.
   (A)   The judge of the municipal court shall hear any case brought before the court and shall determine whether the defendant is in violation of this chapter. Upon finding that the defendant is in violation of this chapter, the defendant shall be found guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine as provided in § 10.99 of this code. Each day that the nuisance continues shall be considered a separate occurrence.
   (B)   The judge shall further order such offense removed and the nuisance abated within ten days, same being a reasonable time.
   (C)   If the defendant shall fail and refuse to abate and remove the nuisance within ten days, the judge may issue an order directing the Chief of Police or his or her duly authorized agent to have the same removed and the Chief of Police or his or her duly authorized agent shall take possession of the junked motor vehicle and remove it from the premises.
   (D)   The Chief of Police or his or her duly authorized agent shall thereafter dispose of the junked motor vehicle in such manner as the Council may provide.
Penalty, see § 95.99