(A)   Any person desiring to operate a food establishment must make a written application for a permit on forms provided by the regulatory authority. The application must contain the name and address of each applicant, the location and type of the proposed food establishment and the applicable fee. An incomplete application will not be accepted. Failure to provide all required information, or falsifying information required may result in denial or revocation of the permit. Renewals of permits are required on an annual basis and the same information is required for a renewal permit as for an initial permit.
   (B)   Prior to the approval of an initial permit or the renewal of an existing permit, the regulatory authority shall inspect the proposed food establishment to determine compliance with state laws and rules. A food establishment that does not comply with state laws and rules will be denied a permit or the renewal of a permit.
   (C)   The following fee schedule applies to permits issued under this subchapter:
      (1)   All permit fees shall be paid to the regulatory authority.
      (2)   Religious and/or non-profit charitable agencies and organizations shall be exempt from fees, but must have permit.
(Ord. 768, passed 8-24-95; Am. Ord. 837, passed 4-11-00; Am. Ord. 868, passed 4-9-02; Am. Ord. 1075, passed 11-10-15; Am. Ord. 1078, passed 4-12-16) Penalty, see § 93.093