If any well, pool, spring, or collection of water within the municipality is contaminated with bacillus coli, the Health Officer shall instruct the person owning or controlling the property upon which same is located to seal, fill, or drain such well, pool, spring, or water collection so that same can no longer be used for drinking, bathing, or domestic purposes. If such person owning or controlling the premise fails immediately to so fill, drain or seal such well, pool, spring, or collection of water, the Health Officer shall file a complaint against such person in the municipal court and shall report the condition, together with his or her recommendations, to the Council. If the Council shall deem it for the best interest of the public health that such well, pool, spring, or collection of water shall be closed up, filled in, or sealed over, it shall instruct the Police Chief to carry out the required work and the cost thereof shall be charged to the person owning or controlling the property and may be collected by suit in any court of competent jurisdiction.