(A)   Only the person who claims to have been injured by a discriminatory housing practice or who believes he or she will be irrevocably injured by a discriminatory housing practice that has occurred or is occurring (“person aggrieved”) may file a complaint under this chapter. Such complaints shall be in writing and shall identify the person alleged to have committed or alleged to be committing a discriminatory housing practice and shall state the facts upon which the allegations of a discriminatory housing practice are based. The municipality shall prepare complaint forms and furnish them without charge to any person, upon request.
   (B)   The municipality shall receive and accept notification and referral complaints from the U.S. Attorney General and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the provisions of Title VII, Fair Housing Act of 1968, Public Law 90-284, and shall treat such complaints hereunder in the same manner as complaints filed pursuant to division (A) of this section.
   (C)   All complaints shall be filed within 60 days following the occurrence of an alleged discriminatory housing practice. Upon the filing or referral of any complaint, the municipality shall provide notice of the complaint by furnishing a copy of such complaint to the person named therein who allegedly committed or was threatening to commit an alleged discriminatory housing practice. The accused may file an answer to the complaint within 15 days of receipt of the written complaint.
   (D)   All complaints and answers shall be subscribed and sworn to before an officer authorized to administer oaths.