17.08.1065: ROAD FUNCTION:
The following definitions apply to road functions:
   A.   Principal Arterial: A road which provides for through traffic between major centers of activity in urban, suburban, and rural areas.
   B.   Connector: A road which is used primarily as a connector from or through local areas or districts to one or more arteries.
   C.   Local Street: The function of the local street is to provide access to the property abutting the right of way and easements for utilities. The movement of traffic is secondary to access. There is not through traffic.
   D.   Cul-De-Sac: A street with only one outlet, having sufficient space at the closed end to provide vehicular turning area.
   E.   Frontage Road: A road which is parallel to and adjacent to an arterial or other limited access road or a railroad right of way, and which provides access to abutting properties.
   F.   Stubbed Road: A road having only one outlet, but which is intended to be extended or continued.
   G.   Alley: A public or private way not more than thirty feet (30') wide, affording only secondary means of access to abutting property. (Ord. 203 §32(211), 1987)