All garbage and/or trash receptacles for pick up shall be placed in drive through alleys where the same are available, or on the curb where no alleys are available.
The franchisee will continue to furnish services as heretofore, except for a part of the Elysium Terrace where curb service will be required.
It shall be the duty of every householder and every person in charge of a business where food is served or where garbage may accumulate to provide and at all times keep on the premises occupied by him, or in his charge, suitable and sufficient watertight cans.
Cans for garbage shall each have a tightfitting cover, and shall be adequate to receive and hold, without leakage or escape of odors, all garbage which may accumulate on the premises.
All residents desiring trash haulage by the franchisee shall box, bag or place such in a receptacle near the garbage receptacles, for the charges set forth in garbage collection rates. (Ord. 11/6/74 §8, 1974)