1317.01 Amendment by Council.
1317.02 Amendment by citizens' petition.
1317.03 Citizen protest against amendments.
1317.04 Landowner curative amendments.
Subject matter of ordinance - see Act 247 Sec. 603 (53 P.S. Sec. 10603)
Enactment - see Act 247 Sec. 609 (53 P.S. Sec. 10609)
Content of public notice - see Act 247 Sec. 610 (53 P.S. Sec. 10610)
Publication after enactment - see Act 247 Sec. 611 (53 P.S. Sec. 10611)
Zoning challenges - see Act 247 Sec. 801 (53 P.S. Sec.10801)