Ord. No. Date Description
18 2-7-49 To Duquesne Light Co. to construct nd maintain poles and appurtenances.
36 3-1-50 To Bell Telephone Co. to construct and maintain all necessary overhead apparatus and underground appliances.
42 6-7-50 To Duquesne Light Co. to furnish street lighting for five years.
163 12-28-54 To Duquesne Light Co. to furnish street lighting for five years.
274 10-10-57 To West Penn Power Co. to erect, maintain and operate an electric transmission and distribution system.
661 11-19-62 To Duquesne Light Co. to construct and maintain devices required for the transmission of electric current.
2150 6-21-82 Amends cable TV agreement with Centre Video Corp., providing for a rate increase.
Res.1400 8-19-74 Amends Ord. 888; approves rate changes by Centre Video Corp. for cable TV service.