(a)   This section shall apply to all police officers of the Borough.
   (b)   All police officers are required to retire the first day of the month following his/her sixty-fifth birthday regardless of the number of years of service he or she has put in.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect any early retirement provisions set forth in Act 600 or in the Borough Police Pension Plan.
   (c)   Council has determined and does hereby find as a fact that age is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary for the normal operation of police business in the Borough.
   (d)   Council has determined and does hereby find as a fact that a maximum age of sixty-five is a reasonably necessary job qualification of police officers in the Borough because it is essential to ensure that police officers are in adequate physical condition to protect the safety and welfare of citizens and property within the Borough.
   (e)   Council has determined and does hereby find as a fact that all or substantially all of the police officers over age sixty-five would be unable to perform safely and efficiently all the duties required of Borough police officers.
   (f)   This section shall take effect January 1, 1988.
(Ord. 2765.  Passed 6-15-87.)