Hereafter, no owner, lessee, tenant, manager, or any other person or entity having ownership of or control over private lands or property within the territorial limits of the Borough of White Oak, shall store or cause or permit the open storage or car cover storage of abandoned, wrecked or junk motor vehicles which is a hazard that constitutes a public nuisance, or parts of motor vehicles which is a hazard that constitutes a public nuisance, upon such lands or properties:
   (a)   Within the front, side or rear yard of dwellings, apartments, or in any other residential or commercial district; or on realty within any commercial or industrial zoning district where said realty is used primarily as a residence regardless of the zoning district.
   (b)   Within the front, side or rear yard of any industrial district unless the owner or tenant of said realty is licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a salvor, or the realty has an existing valid nonconforming use to operate as an open storage yard of motor vehicles or wrecked or junk motor vehicles.
      (Ord. 4049.  Passed 4-20-15.)