1775.10  TESTING.
   (a)   The applicant shall furnish to the Borough Secretary, or designee, a schedule of each week's test plans.  If Thumper Trucks are utilized on Borough roads, which will require the Borough's permission, the Borough Engineer shall inspect the road before and after testing.  The applicant shall pay any and all costs incurred by the Borough as a result of these inspections. 
   (b)   All vibroseis or weight drop operations shall be conducted a minimum distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet from any building, which shall mean a structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, chattel, or movable property of any kind and which is affixed to the land.  No charge test shall be detonated within three hundred (300) feet of any building, water well, or underground hazardous waste storage/disposal site.  The applicant will provide multiple monitoring of any charge testing within three hundred (300) feet of any occupied building.  Operations specified herein shall comply with current regulations as promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection.  After testing, all holes shall be filled (closed).
   (c)   The applicant shall maintain and make available upon the Borough's request, for a period of two (2) years, the daily log of energy source tests showing date, location, energy source used, drive level, operator and all other related information including seismic and pre- and post-test survey. 
   (d)   No energy source operations shall subject any building intended for human habitation, utility line, water well, or underground hazardous waste storage/disposal site to a peak particle velocity greater than five-tenths-inch per second.
   (e)   Explosives shall be transported in constantly attended type-tree magazines as defined by Section 1902.4.7 of the 1994 Standard Fire Prevention Code.  All vehicles transporting explosives will be placarded accordion to Regulation of Hazardous Materials 49 C.F.R. only the necessary amount of explosives for each day's operations, during such period as the permit is in effect, shall be transported  within the Township at any given time.  No explosives shall be stored within the corporate Borough limits, unless approved by the Emergency Management Coordinator or their designee.  If such storage is approve, explosives must be stored in a locked and secure, constantly attended type-two magazine, as defined by Section 1902.4.6 of the 1994 Standard Fire Prevention Code, at a single, isolated, and sparsely populated location.
   (f)   The applicant shall notify the Borough Secretary or designees within twenty four (24) hours after the occurrence of any violation of these permit requirements.  The Borough's Code Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to issue "Stop Work Orders" for any violation of the provisions contained in this article.
(Ord. 4029.  Passed 10-20-14.)