Any application for a building permit shall also be accompanied by a plot plan of the premises. Such plot plan shall include:
(a) Location plan showing the general relationship of the property to Borough roads, County roads and Legislative routes.
(b) A plan of the property drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot be be built upon. If this lot is separate from other parcels on the same property, a small scale plan should be provided indicating the location of the lot to be built upon with respect to the rest of the property.
(c) The exact size and location of the building on the lot and accessory buildings to be erected shall be shown.
(d) Location of the required building set back line and location of buildings on property adjacent to the property to be improved.
(e) Names and addresses of the owner or owners.
(f) Name and addresses of the registered engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan.
(g) North point; date and graphic scale.
(h) Existing and proposed contours at no greater than five foot intervals and bench mark or datum to which the building elevations refer. All contour elevations shall be based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
(i) Names of owners of any adjacent properties.
(j) All streets, utilities and improvements adjoining the property, serving the property or through the property.
(1) Street shall show name, right of way widths and cartway widths.
(2) General drainage plan for storm water and/or storm sewers. Calculations for sizing of storm sewers shall be provided upon request of the Borough Engineer.
(3) Proposed water, sanitary sewage, electric, gas or other possible utilities serving the lot. Include the location of valves, curb boxes, fire hydrants, vaults, manholes, poles, etc.
(4) Proposed designation parking stalls, parking lots and traffic circulation for the site, including ingress and egress.
(Ord. 2032. Passed 11-19-79.)