Any person, purchaser under installment contract, partnership, corporation or other legal entity who owns or purports to own any building, mobile home, or structure or complex of buildings, mobile homes or structures within the Borough which is constructed, remodeled, made available, occupied, used, rented or offered for rent in whole or part, for housing space for living or dwelling purposes after the effective date hereof under written or oral leases shall file, between January 1 and January 31, of each year, beginning with the year 1980, with the Building Officials of the Borough, a certified statement indicating the following information:
   (a)   The name, address and telephone number of the record owner of the premises.
   (b)   The number and identification marking of each dwelling unit and the street address of each rental premises.
   (c)   A certification whether or not each such dwelling unit is serviced by fully operational smoke detectors as required by this article.
      (Ord. 2030.  Passed  12-17-79.)