1391.11  WATER SYSTEM.
   (a)   Water Mains.  All water mains shall have a minimum diameter of six inches, unless written approval is obtained from the Borough Engineer and reviewed by Council.  All water mains shall be extended and connected to existing water mains to provide a circulatory system where required by the Engineer and approved by Council.
   (b)   Installation.  Installation of water mains and appurtenances shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the White Oak Borough Authority or its assigns.  All water mains and house connections shall be made prior to the paving of the street and shall be thoroughly tamped.
   (c)   Hydrants, Gate Valves and Meters.  Fire hydrants, gate valves and meters shall be of the type and design required by the Borough.  Fire hydrants shall be located at accessible points and located to give adequate fire protection as outlined by the Board of Underwriters.  Gate valves shall be located as directed by the Engineer.
(Ord. 2748.  Passed 11-17-86.)