(a)   Size and Grade.  Storm drains shall be adequate for the anticipated run-off when the area is fully developed.  The minimum diameter of storm sewers shall be fifteen inches, and the minimum grade shall be one percent (1%), unless approved by the Borough Engineer.
   (b)   Manholes.  For pipe sizes of twenty-four inches or less, manholes shall be spaced at a maximum of four hundred feet and for larger pipe sizes, the maximum distances between manholes shall be six hundred feet.  In addition, manholes shall be installed at all points of abrupt changes in alignment and grade.  Inlets may be substituted for manholes where practical.
   (c)   Inlets.  Inlets of the type shown in the Borough construction standards shall be installed.  Inlets at street intersections shall be placed on the tangent and not on the curved portions.
   (d)   Castings.  Manholes and inlet castings shall be as indicated in the Borough construction standards.
   (e)   Storm Water Roof Drains.  Storm water roof drains shall extend to the paved gutter and, where accessible, shall connect to the storm drainage system.
   (f)   Unnatural Drainage.  Whenever construction stops or concentrates the natural flow of storm drainage in such a way as to affect adjoining properties, approval of the owners shall be obtained in writing.  Approval of plans by the Borough does not authorize or sanction drainage affecting adjoining properties.
   (g)   Watercourses.  Open watercourses will not be permitted within the rights of way of streets.  The stopping, filling up, confining or other interference with, or changing the course of, drains, ditches, streams and watercourses in the Borough shall not be permitted unless approval in writing is obtained from Council.  A permit must be obtained from the Department of Environmental Resource (DER) of the Commonwealth for construction or changes in a watercourse which drains an area of more than three hundred and twenty acres.
   (h)   Bridges and Culverts.  All bridges and culverts shall be designed to support expected loads and to carry expected flows and shall be constructed to the full width of the right of way.  They shall be designed to meet current standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
(Ord. 2748.  Passed  11-17-86.)