1391.04  STREETS.
   (a)   Layout.  Streets shall be planned to conform with the layout of existing and planned streets and so located as to allow proper development of surrounding properties.  Local streets shall be laid out so as to discourage through traffic.  Collector streets should be designed to provide adequate flow of traffic from local streets to major community facilities and to arterial streets.
   (b)   Topography.  Proposed streets shall be planned to conform to the contour of the land, to provide buildable lots, to have a suitable alignment and grade and to allow proper drainage.
   (c)   Grading.  The shoulders shall be graded to the full width of the right of way and provisions shall be made for protection of slopes beyond the right of way.
   (d)   Street Grades.  Minimum and maximum grades shall be provided on all streets in accordance with the design standards specified in Appendix I.  Grades shall be measured along the center of the street.  Vertical curves shall be used in changes of grade exceeding one percent (1%) and should be designed in accordance with the design standards specified in Appendix I.  Intersections shall be approached on all sides by leveling grades for a distance of fifty feet within which no grades shall exceed the design standards specified in Appendix I.  The grade of actual intersections shall not exceed one percent (1%) in any direction.
   (e)   Right of Way and Paving Widths.  Minimum widths of rights of way and minimum widths of paving shall be provided in accordance with the design standards specified in Appendix I.  All streets shall be paved in accordance with Borough construction standards.
   (f)   Additional Right of Way and Paving Widths.  Additional widths and paved cartway widths may be required by the Borough where necessary for public safety and convenience, for parking in commercial and residential areas and where additional width is necessary on existing roads which do not comply with current standards.
   (g)   Cul-de-Sacs.  A cul-de-sac will not be approved when a through street is practical and shall not be more than five hundred feet in length, unless a modification or exception to this requirement is granted under Article 1393.  A Cul-de-sac shall have a minimum right-of-way radius and an outer minimum paving radius as specified in the design standards in Appendix I.
   (h)   Temporary Turnarounds. A temporary turnaround may be required where a road is constructed to an adjoining property line.  The right-of-way width required for a temporary turnaround shall be a minimum of fifty feet and the outer paving radius of the temporary turnaround shall be twenty feet.
   (i)   Visibility.  No fence, hedges, shrubbery, walls, planting (other than trees and grass) or similar obstructions shall be located within the right of way and no such obstruction shall obscure visibility at any intersection.  A clear sight triangle, as defined by Title Seven, shall be maintained free of any obstructions at intersections so that there shall be a minimum clear sight triangle of seventy-five feet measured along the centerline from the points of intersection.
   (j)   Street Names. All new street names shall be approved by the Borough.  Names of new streets shall be sufficiently different in sound and spelling from existing names of streets in the Borough so as not to cause confusion.  A street which is planned as a continuation of an existing street shall bear the same name.  Street signs shall be provided in accordance with Section 1389.06.
   (k)   Sidewalks.  The width of sidewalks shall conform to the standards specified in Appendix I.  Sidewalks shall be located in line with existing sidewalks on adjacent lots or, where none exists, shall be located adjacent to the curb or, where no curb exists, within one foot of the edge of paving.  Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with Borough construction standards.
(Ord. 2748.  Passed 11-17-86.)