(a)   The owners of all buildings and dwellings whether residential, commercial or industrial located within the Borough of White Oak that are not currently identified, are required to post the proper address numbers properly identifying said structures as per the requirements set forth below within sixty (60) days of the enactment of this section.
   (b)   Address numbers shall consist of an illuminated, reflective or otherwise clearly visible material not less than three (3) inches in height and not less than one-quarter (1/4) inch wide stroke.  Said numbers shall contrast with their background.
   (c)   Placement.  Said identification numbers must be posted in a place where they are clearly visible from the street to which the building is addressed and must be posted in at least one of the following locations:
      (1)   On or within three feet of either side of the door facing the street to which the building or dwelling is addressed.
      (2)   On both sides of the mailbox or mailbox post.
      (3)   On a post, sign or similar object erected clearly in the front yard or to the side of the driveway servicing said building or dwelling.  Said address numbers shall be no more than seven (7) feet above the ground and shall be no less than three (3) feet above the ground.
      (4)   Such other location as determined by the Code Enforcement Officer.
   (d)   In the event that a private driveway serves more than one building, the address numbers of all buildings served by the driveway shall be displayed at the driveway entrance, in addition to being posted at each structure. 
(Ord. 3467.  Passed 3-19-07.)